Calling All Past Students


St Paul's College history spans close on 60 years and is blessed with exceptionally talented students. If you are a former student, we would love to hear about your post-school journey! We are looking for authentic, real life stories from ALL career paths to share with our students.You do not need to be a Prime Minister or an Olympian to inspire our students!

Our ex-students can be business owners, tradespeople, sportspeople, self-employed, entrepreneurs, professionals and more. All stories encourage our students to see what life can offer after high school.

If you would like your story to be shared with St Paul's students and community, please complete this short questionnaire.

Thank you to the St Paul's alumni who have shared their post-school stories with us. If you are a past student of St Paul's College or know someone who is, please fill in this short questionnaire or share the link. We would love to hear your post-school story!